There has been considerable debate surrounding whether Irish Financial Crisis is predictable or not. Those who support the Irish Financial Crisis could not be identified in advance emphasis it is irregular and uncertain. During the period from 1990 to 2007, Irish economy experienced a continuous and steady increase, with GNP growing by 5 to 15 per cent every year and the rising of employment and competitiveness significantly, Ireland went from being extremely poor to being extremely rich. According to Kelly (2010 ,P2), among this period, the Ireland’s economy really was among the best performing in the world. However, Irish economy finally collapsed overnight in late September 2008. Some people argue that there is no relevant evidence reveals Ireland’s economy is lifting off and will hits the bottom suddenly. Base on this view, it can clearly be seen that Irish economy collapse could be occasional and random event.
However, the opponents focus on the uncommon pattern of Irish economy growth and the surged property prices . For years, sensible economists had been warning that the euro’s one-size-fits-all interest rates and monetary policy would trigger uncontrollable bubbles in high growth countries( Health, 2010).