
The Israelite Prophets

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The Israelite prophets had various definitions of sin in the bible. Sin is associated with Idolatry. Sin is associated with idol worshipping and is outlined by the six prophets of Israel, Amos, Ezekiel, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Micah. It is my aim to provide a clear understanding of sin based on the six-prophet’s ideology and perception. In a simplistic view sin is defined as any worship of other gods or objects aside from their one true God is idolatry, which creates social injustice, economic injustice and pride.
After their redemption from Egypt from slavery, God had clearly outlined in his commandments the rules they were to follow (Micah 6:3-4). In the book of Hosea, the prophet uses his relationship with his wife as a metaphor for the relationship between God and the Israelites. In Hosea 1, the bible speaks on how, God advises Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman and bear children with him. The adulterous nature of his wife was similar, to the way the Israelites behaved with God. The prophet uses his wife’s infidelity to show how the Israelites had been unfaithful to God through their practices and worship of other gods.
In the book of Micah, the prophet also shows how the
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Amos would not stand for the tax hypes where the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The increased tax was designed for the poor so they can be able to build houses that they were not going to live in (Amos 5:11).
Sin was also associated with pride. In the bible God hated pride and considered it a sin that warranted punishment. Amos despised people who pumped themselves up and only thought of themselves. The Amos spoke on the punishment that God was going to inflict on the people of Jacob (Amos 6:8) for their prideful nature by destroying the physical possessions that they valued. Amos showed how Israelites were prideful by talking of the way they ate and dressed in silver while not talking of the destruction of

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