Laura Logan
ENG125: Introduction to Literature (AFG1301A)
Instructor: Carla McGill
February 4, 2013
How can an African American and a Hispanic girls be treated different when they are the same type of person? I chose the theme of race and ethnicity when I selected the poems “What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl” by Patricia Smith and “Child of the Americas” by Aurora Levin Morales. I am a Hispanic person with an African ancestry. I speak fluent Spanish and English and have experience life from both sides of the continent. The poems show how African American and Hispanics American girls lives were affected based on their race and ethnicity. The life of the African American girl life was affected because of her race and racism; while the life of the Hispanic American girl life was (not) affected because of her ethnicity. While both the African American and Hispanic American girls were born on American soil, racism affected the African American girl’s way she lived her life while ethnicity (heritage) played a major role in Hispanic American girl’s life. The poem “What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl” is about a nine year old African American girl who life was immensely affected by racism and the fact that she was a girl did not help her either. The thing that I notice was missing is where is the girl’s parents during the time she was growing up; maybe it was the author intent not to mention the girl’s parents. Growing up is tough enough as a black girl, you add the absence of parents and throw in racism, this girl does not have a chance to live a successful life. According to the American Heritage College Dictionary, racism has two meanings. First, racism is, “The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.” Second, racism is, “Discrimination or prejudice based on race.” The African American girl
References: Clugston, R. W. (2010) Journey into Literature. Bridgeport Education: San Diego, CA. Racism and Mental Health Bhui, K., (2002) Racism and Mental Health Denton, N. A., & Villarrubia, J. (2007). Residential segregation on the island: the role of race and class in puerto rican neighborhoods. Sociological Forum, 22(1), 51-76 Myers, L