Additionally, reports on the topic vary by generation and field of study. The 1950’s viewpoint was considerably different than the current day perspective on human sexuality. Another consideration is what science is behind the information presented, papers by clinical psychologists are utilizing different data to support conclusions than what a biological anthropologist would. Of the many variables that contribute to the female capacity to orgasm is based on commitment to a partner (Eschler, 2004). She points out that women “are more likely to feel comfortable being assertive about their needs and/or regular partners are generally more attentive.” Her group of participants was only 202 English-speaking females, a small group compared to other published works, but the summary she provided was a good perspective on factors affecting orgasms. Most women don’t have orgasms without additional clitoral stimulation; the ones who could be also more likely to have a one-night stand. The emotional aspect of being in a relationship was also more important to a woman that requires clitoral stimulation. As well, women requiring additional stimulation who perceived that sex would not result in satisfaction, would avoid the prospect
Additionally, reports on the topic vary by generation and field of study. The 1950’s viewpoint was considerably different than the current day perspective on human sexuality. Another consideration is what science is behind the information presented, papers by clinical psychologists are utilizing different data to support conclusions than what a biological anthropologist would. Of the many variables that contribute to the female capacity to orgasm is based on commitment to a partner (Eschler, 2004). She points out that women “are more likely to feel comfortable being assertive about their needs and/or regular partners are generally more attentive.” Her group of participants was only 202 English-speaking females, a small group compared to other published works, but the summary she provided was a good perspective on factors affecting orgasms. Most women don’t have orgasms without additional clitoral stimulation; the ones who could be also more likely to have a one-night stand. The emotional aspect of being in a relationship was also more important to a woman that requires clitoral stimulation. As well, women requiring additional stimulation who perceived that sex would not result in satisfaction, would avoid the prospect