The Spartiates was a very significant social structure group, to the same extent as the Perioikoi and the Helots, in Spartan society as they maintained the Spartan defence and security through the agoge. The agoge was an effective military system in the Spartan society, which was only available to those who were of Spartiate status, whose purpose was to create fearless and loyal Spartan warriors developing a victorious army that was highly significant in Spartan society implementing a powerful defence force. The agoge required that, as stated by Plutarch “... as boys reached the age of seven [they were to live with agelai in military barracks] ... their whole education was aimed at developing smart obedience, perseverance under stress, and victory in battle. So as they grew older they intensified their physical training, and got into the habit of…
Each Spartan male was allotted an equal plot of land ‘kleros’ with a certain number of helots to work the property for them…
The economic role of the Periocoi and the Helots is considered as an integral part of the Spartan society. Without the work of the both Periocoi and the Helots the Spartan economy would not run sufficiently, due to the Spartan men not being able to look after the village as they were in military training most of their life. The periocoi had a variety of different roles within the economy. Their roles consisted of: commanding all the passes -which included waterways - into Laconia, responsibility for much of the trade and craft in which according to ancient writers such as Pliny and Herodotus mention the periocoi made shoes, purple garments and objects of wood and iron and the mining, manufacturing, commerce and mineral and marine resources. The helots, although being classified as slaves, also contributed the Spartan economy. Due to the Spartan men not being able to look after their estate or crops it was the helots job instead. The helot’s provided the Spartan economy with trade and agriculture such as barley, vegetables, ivory, goats and sheep. Trade positively increased Spartan’s society as it allowed the society to…
Agriculture in Sparta was the main field of the helots. Plutarch describes them as the local inhabitants of Laconia and Messenia, owned by the Spartan State. Their principal obligation was to hand over to their Spartan masters a portion of the harvests - known as the apophora - and were allowed to keep any excess. According to the poet Tyrtaeus, this was one half of the produce, though Xenophon says this amount is…
Sparta went through a reign being known as the strongest polis, but before then, when Sparta was at it’s worst, Lykurgos came into the life of the Spartans and created laws and ideas that saved their city. Because he prevented the destruction of Sparta, he was honored and greatly respected by the Spartans. The laws and ideas created by him are greatly studied today. Lykurgos saved his city by reforming the political, social, and economic aspects of Spartan rule and the rules and focuses of Spartans.…
The Spartans or Spartiates were full citizens. They could vote and serve in the government. The Helots were slaves in Sparta. Sparta would not be able to function without the Helots. The Helots came from Laconia and Messenia after Sparta had conquered them. They would do unskilled labor and were often treated very poorly by the Spartans. The Spartans were allowed to kill Helots who seemed too fit or too smart. They were allowed to do this because the Helots outnumbered the Spartans 50 to 1.…
It is accurate to say that many ancient writers recorded works associated with ancient Sparta. Very few of these works were recorded by Spartans or those who had any first hand experience of the city or contact with the people early in Spartan history when the helot class originated and when their role and treatment was being moulded. Those that did, such as Xenophon and Tyrtaeus, were written from the perspective of the most powerful class in Spartan society, the military Spartiates. For these reasons it is entirely accurate to claim that our evidence of Spartan society, and specifically the helot class, is distorted, incomplete and confused. Furthermore, it is accurate to assume that given these reasons the reality could be contradicted by the mirage or myths established by these writers.…
Plutarch tells us that the helots “worked the land for them.” This shows that they were an incredibly important part of the society as each Spartiate needed to contribute a certain amount of food for the messes, and a Spartiate himself wouldn’t work the land himself as the key focus for a Spartiate was to become as physically fit as possible in order to create a strong military force. On the other hand, it implies that they are not nearly as important as the Spartiates themselves who were banned from any manual work. In Xenophon chapter 1 we are told that helot women even made clothes for Spartans, “Lycurgus felt that slave girls were perfectly capable of producing garments as the Spartan women also had to train to produce healthier offspring. This suggests that the Spartans depended on the helots even if they were not respected. Again in Plutarch chapter 24, we are told that, “working at a craft and at money making is only fit for slaves” which shows that these are the kind of essential jobs the Spartans left to the Helots, whilst the Spartans trained in military arts.…
Controversy between Athens and Sparta has led many to fall victim to falsified information and assumptions, resulting in utmost bias. When individuals visit Sparta, they soon realize these “cold-blooded barbarians” have reasoning behind their actions. Most people judge Sparta for our unfair treatment of helots, even though we treat them equally and better than the Athenian slaves. Athenian propaganda displays us as horrible demons for having helots incorporated into our society. Helots, or serfs, frequently live typical lives, they have more rights than most citizens of foreign countries and, arguably, more than the average Athenian.…
After the helots revolted, the Spartans had to develop a new way of life. There were almost 10 times the amounts of helots as compared to the free citizens. To do this, the Spartans made changes that turned their city into a military academy and camp. An official would decide if an infant was fit to survive, and if he was, he was taken from his home at age seven, and trained to become a warrior. Their constitution was mixed, with various parts of monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy. The goal of the new government in Sparta was to “win glory in war”.…
The Aulos was found during the Neolithic Period in ancient Greece. The Neolithic Period was from 6800 to 3200 BC. During this period pottery and animals were introduced to the people in Ancient Greece. The main things that happened in the Neolithic Period were climate stabilization and settlements. The economy was getting settled because people started farming and stock rearing. They domesticated the goat and sheep, new plants and crops were grown. The people in the Neolithic period were simple rather than complex. Houses were made out of stone foundation and clay roofs. The Aulos was played in a city called Thebes. This was a city in central Greece. This city was found in the Classical period, this city participated in the Persian…
Bastet was usually seen as a gentle protective goddess. However, she sometimes appeared with the head of a lioness to protect the king in battle. The cat was a symbol of Bastet. The ancient Egyptians made many statues of cats like this one to honour Bastet. Bast, known as "Bastet" in later times to emphasise that the "t" was to be pronounced) was one of the most popular goddesses of ancient Egypt.…
The ancient societies of Greece and China each produced a civilization remarkable for its time. Although these civilizations emerged nearly one thousand years apart, their philosophies were completely different, had various forms of governance, and had unique economic classes.…
Ancient Greece art is beautifully decorated by the craftsmen. Art was made with bronze, gold, silver but the most that Greeks used to make is metal to make art. But there was something stronger than metal, it was…..iron, iron is harder than metal. Metal can be melted down and made into something else, many metal sculptures and other metal items were melted down so they could be for other things. The Greeks made many things like bowls and vases, cauldrons, knives and daggers, shields, armour, decorative drinking cups, and lanterns. They also made fine jewellery such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pins, and rings. Most the jewellery decorative was found on flowers and leaves, mythical creatures, lions, and snakes. Art in Greece has many hundreds…
The ancient Greeks are known as a self aware people. No other culture in western civilization history was quite as introspective as the Greeks. They prided themselves as the most civilized society in the world. In fact the term “barbarian” basically meant non Greek. The development of Greek civilization rises from the ashes of the ancient Mycenaean and Minion cultures. From After the decline and eventual fall of the Mycenaean culture in 1100 BCE, the Aegean Islands would experience a “dark age” period for about 200 – 300 years. By 800 BCE Greece would begin to show growth and stability in their government, economy and culture. This period is referred to as the Homeric Age. The writer Homer would write the stories of prehistoric Greek history (If you have not had to read The Iliad or The Odyssey in your academic career thus far, just wait, it is coming.) It is the Greek culture that would be the basis for western cultures for art, architecture, music, theater, philosophy, literature and politics.…