was written by Harlow Giles Unger, who also wrote Lafayette. It was
published in 2009 and 2010. This book is about James Monroe and his life.
Including his family life, work life, and personal life. Including his life as the
fifth president of the United States.
The Last Founding Father talks about James Monroe’s life from childhood to
his death. He was born in the spring of 1758 whilst the “Great War for the
Empire” was going on. The book goes into more detail about the war, that a
dozen nations were spilling blood of millions over four continents and seas
between them. Unger discusses the Monroes family origins and history. They
had come from …show more content…
June 15, 1775 George Washington was named commander in chief of the
continental army. He rode to Cambridge, Massachusetts but didn’t arrive in time to
stop the slaughter on Bunker Hill. There were a hundred dead and two hundred and
sixty seven wounded for Americans. The British had lost one thousand and forty five
soldiers. George Washington would soon meet Monroe and this would be relevant.
Monroe later left his studies and joined the Virginia Infantry even after the
loss of his younger brother, Spence. He pledged to serve without pay. Monroe
trained with his men for two months on the William and Mary camp. During that
time Patrick Henry the first governor of Virginia. Also on July 4, 1776 all of the
colonies were declared “Free and Independent states.”
The Continental Army caught the Hessians asleep after spending the past
night crossing the icy cold Delaware River. Captain William Washington and
Lieutenant Jim Monroe were the first to cross the river. Someone had seen
them coming and had called out a warning. Washington put out an army around the cannon and took possession of the Hessians, but he had received a severe wound.
The command then fell on Monroe who advanced the same way and