The House of Cards is a modern day dramatization of today’s government and follows the ascent of Frank Underwood and his wife Claire to the White House. The show depicts today’s government as ruthless and lacking morals. It shows that money and power rule politics and many moral issues are passed aside for greed and popularity. Over two hundred years ago a group of eighteen men with the advice of all Americans, created a plan for our government. They fought the British for their rights to freedom and wrote a blueprint for the nation. This blueprint was based on our “God-given rights to life, liberty, and property. Such liberties they believed rested on three great supports:
1. Natural …show more content…
We are still the top nation in the world with the most freedoms however; I believe they would be very displeased with the show House of Cards. One example the founding fathers would be displeased with is the depiction of the lack of morals and virtue of today’s government officials. One of the principles the founding fathers based our government on was virtuous leaders. Benjamin Franklin once said “A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong. Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” “House of Cards is simply bad people using democracy as tyrants use tyranny.” Frank Underwood, the house majority leader whip, is willing to resort to anything to achieve his goals. He is murderous and corrupt and manipulates others to get what he wants. In one scene, he provokes another man into hitting him, and then blackmails him into passing an education bill. Another character Peter Russo is shown as weak, easily manipulated by Frank Underwood, and an out of control substance abuser. The fact he is able to get out of a DUI and is constantly abusing cocaine and alcohol would make our founding fathers wonder where the integrity of this nation has …show more content…
The founding fathers had an inspiration of a separation of power. By spreading the power around, corruption is less likely. In this series the government is working against each other most of the time, therefore trying to deceive each other for their own personal interests rather than working for solutions to problems. Frank Underwood is constantly cashing in on favors from various government officials and using unethical tactics to achieve success. Thomas Jefferson said “the way to have good and safe government is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to everyone exactly the functions he is competent.” The founders weren’t always in agreement, but they usually worked for a common unity and the best