Other paintings of the Last Supper have been created, but Leonardo Da Vinci’s is the most famous of them all. The scene shows us figures in a rectangular room with coffers on the ceiling and tapestries on both sides of the room. The room terminates at three windows and through the window we can see into a beautiful landscape setting. The landscape in the background sort of terminates in a kind of misty, grayish horizon. This painterly device, in which the horizon’s colors become more dull and colorless, is often known as aerial perspective. Renaissance artists to create the illusion of depth in landscape scenes used this. As far as the
Other paintings of the Last Supper have been created, but Leonardo Da Vinci’s is the most famous of them all. The scene shows us figures in a rectangular room with coffers on the ceiling and tapestries on both sides of the room. The room terminates at three windows and through the window we can see into a beautiful landscape setting. The landscape in the background sort of terminates in a kind of misty, grayish horizon. This painterly device, in which the horizon’s colors become more dull and colorless, is often known as aerial perspective. Renaissance artists to create the illusion of depth in landscape scenes used this. As far as the