By: Leo Ye
What is a lesson? A lesson means an experience, especially an unpleasant one that somebody can learn from, so it does not happen again in the future. And everyone probably had a lesson of some sort before. For me, I have had many lessons throughout my life already, from small things, like you should always bring an umbrella with you to school, never run with your wallet in your pocket, to something big like studying hard before a test. And these mistakes probably changed my life in ways.
I have learned this year that I should always have an umbrella in my backpack, and I’ve learned this the hard way. During winter this year I had brought my umbrella to school almost every day, but it didn’t rain in those days at all, not a single drop of rain. So I thought it wouldn’t rain for quite a while, I was wrong, terribly wrong. It was down pouring the next day, even though I thought it was going to be sunny again. And guess what? I came home getting soaked from the rain, because I forgot my umbrella.
Another thing I have learned throughout the course of this year is to NEVER RUN WITH YOUR WALLET IN YOUR POCKET. Why? Because you wallet will probably fall out. One day I was going to go out to by some pencil crayon and paper, so I ran out to rush for the bus that would go to Staples, a supermarket full of school and office equipments. Guess what had happened, yep I lost my wallet on the way to the bus station, so I had to go back home empty-handed. Luckily someone returned my wallet to the school office the next day. But I doubt that will happen every time I drop wallet.
The last thing you should NEVER do is to not study before a test. Trust me, I didn’t study for a test for social study last year, and now I am just regretting it so much. Because I almost bombed the test. And what is even worse is that the test takes up 30 percent of our term mark, so I went in for a retest. But trust me, if you give me a chance to “re-live” that day, I would study, I would study until I can I understand everything from that chapter.
The things I have mentioned may not be too significant to you, but trust me, there are a lot other things a lesson can do to your life. So don’t mess up because you don’t always have a second chance at something.
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