This is a austrailian short story written by Maree Spratt. The story is about Brian and his uneasy life. He lives in Brisbane, Australian, with his flatmate Richard. Brian has very high interest in Physics and Chemistry, and is also very active on the internet, especially on the Yahoo! Website. But one day, when Brian is on a full City bus, he meets a girl and suddenly everything changes. But sadly, his insecuerness and lack of self-confidence, blocks his way to the girl.
The story takes place in Brisbane, the capital city of the Australian state Queensland. The story is about two days in Brians life. The settings are in Brians flat, a city bus, on Queens Street and in Brians Physics tutorials. The places are described in detail, because we’re getting information about how Richards room is messy and smelly, and how the city bus is full of people and thick hot air from two teenagers, who are making out in the bus. So these places create a uneasy atmosphere, seen through Brians eyes. Because it reveals certain feelings in the main character, which tells us alot about him. How he doesn’t like physical contact with other people, and gets anxious when girls talk to him.
There are tree characters in the story; Brian, Richard and the girl on the bus. Brian seems like a very lonely person and has very low self-asteem. He’s nervous, insecure, shy and has trouble getting near others. He doesn’t communicate well, and flees to the closest exit when getting nervous. I’m getting the feeling that Brian maybe suffers from Anthrophobia, because he is so afraid of human company and being in crowded situations. He likes or perfers things that he can count on, and doesn’t like surprises. He sits almost always on the same place in the bus, fourth row, drivers side. He doesn’t often break his usual pattern, but when forced to, he just opens a book which he sinks in. Maybe it makes him calm and relaxed. He is also smart and believes in facts,