A Eurosta solidaginis, also known as the Golden Rod Gall Fly, is an insect that lives in a Solidago atlissma/ canadis. The female Gall Fly has an ovipositor which implants eggs in the Golden Rod plant. Eggs are implanted by the mother onto the apical meristem. At the apical meristem the larva releases a chemical that stimulates the host goldenrod which in return forms the gall (Abrahamson, Kenneth, McCrea, Whitwell, and Vernieri 1991). The gall acts as a protective barrier for the Eurosta Solidagnis. The larva transforms from larvae to pupa in the gall. The Eurosta solidaginis predators include other insects and birds. The ovipositon, which is the placing of the eggs, occurs in mid- late May (Abrahamson, Sattler, McCrea, and Weis 1989). The gall start to appear about 3 weeks after the oviposition, and they finish growing, reaching their full size three to four weeks later. The…
A two-part study was recently done to show what natural habitat a Pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare, naturally prefers: wet or dry environments along with a light or dark environment. It was hypothesized that a Pill bug would prefer and wet and dark environment based on its natural habitat of soil. For the wet and dry experiment, a coffee filter and soil were placed in each chamber of a double petri dish with one being dampened before being placed in. For the light and dry experiment a light was hung above one chamber of another double-chambered petri dish while the other chamber was covered with aluminum foil, after placing soil in both chambers. An equal number of Pill bugs was placed in each chamber and a study was taken for ten minutes where every thirty seconds the number of Pill bugs in each dish was counted. The results showed that Pill bugs, unlike it’s natural habitats, preferred light and dry environments.…
5) the specificity of an enzyme is due to its activite site. The active site is shaped so that only a certain…
The Phycodurus Eques, also known as the Sea Dragon, is a tiny, fragile fish. The colors of the sea dragon are brown, black, yellow, white, tan, grey, etc.. Their optimum pH level is around 7.25. Their features are elongated snout and their easily hidden body. The skin of the Sea Dragon is scaley. The Sea Dragon is found in Australian coastal waters. Their diet consists of plankton, shrimp, and small fish. This animal is currently threatened.…
The book I selected is called Horsefly and Honeybee, which is a fiction book written by Randy Cecil.This book is about a horsefly and a honey bee who fought over a flower and each lost a wing. Because they could no longer fly they were captured by a bullfrog and soon to be eaten. But, they decided to work together and use the remaining wings they had to fly away. By doing so, they escaped, became friends, and shared the flower. This book is at the instructional level for the majority of the class and is for ages four to eight and grades pre-k to third. However for a handful of students, who i’ve noticed are at a higher reading level than the rest of the class, this book would be somewhat simpler. But, the moral gained from the story is something…
If I cross a female apterous fly with a male wild fly, what would the offspring look like?…
LIFE HISTORY: Unmated adults overwinter in plant debris, crevices of fences and buildings, and other protected sites around woodlands, gardens and agricultural fields. They become active at temperatures above 50 °F and begin to mate in the spring. Eggs hatch in 7-10 days and larvae take about 15 days to complete development to the pupae stage. Pupae live about 7 days before becoming adults. In east central Utah, two summer generations of adults occur.…
The Leafy Sea Dragon is a marine fish in the family Syngnathidae, which includes the seahorses. The name comes from the long leaf-like growths on its body. Sea dragons are some of the most-well camouflaged creatures on the planet. They blend perfectly with the seaweed and kelp that they live in. Leafy sea dragons don't live on tropical reefs, but in the cooler rocky reefs off the southern coast of Australia. Despite their name, seadragons don’t have any teeth. They suck their food with their long mouths, just like seahorse. Their diet consists of Small invertebrates, including shrimps and other zooplankton. Sea dragons' mouths work like straws. A sea dragon waits until its prey ventures near, then sucks it up. Each day, a single sea dragon may eat up to a thousand creatures. Sea dragons have a thin tails which cannot be used for gripping. They have small, transparent dorsal and pectoral fins that propel and steer them through the water, but they just tumble and drift in the current like seaweed.…
Annie Dillard's essay "The Death Of A Moth" made no sense to me when I initially read it, in a "sleep-deprived" state. In the haze my mind was in, during the battle with my body and my desire to read this essay, all I could make out was that; she berated the small cat about her short-term memory before kicking her out of the bed they shared. She then proceeded to the bathroom to consort with a spider whose attire reminded her of a day when she murdered a moth. She spoke about the carnage, her sharply dressed friend the spider left, behind the toilet, seemingly admiring the skillful way in which the evidence of the massacre was displayed.…
Plus I'll give you some information about them,they grow up to 2-4 feet long and if they are in captivity they live up to 8-14 years.They mainly live in wetlands like swamps and remember…
Every day the Earth faces an environmental dilemma that ranges from human factors such as factories which release chemicals into the atmosphere to natural causes such as floods and tornados. It has become hard to pin point which is the most threating to the ecosystem, but in recent times the introduction of an invasive species has played a big part in the wide spread changes in the ecosystem. Changes in an ecosystem can affect many species differently, if they are unable to adapt to the rapid alteration, this can lead to rapid habitat lost and even extinction of a species.…
Daphnia belongs to a group of small, freshwater crustaceans of the order Cladocera commonly called water fleas. They are very suitable for laboratory studies due to the nature of their transparent exoskeletons. Hence, it is possible to watch Daphnia hearts without dissecting them. Daphnia is ectothermic and easily found in pond water which is classified into 80 different species in the UK (J.Parmentier, V.Egmond, 1999 [online]). The anatomy of Daphnia is shown in figure 1 below.…
Lampyridae is a family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera. They are winged beetles, and commonly called fireflies or lightning bugs for their conspicuous crepuscular use of bioluminescence to attract mates or prey. Fireflies produce a "cold light", with no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies. This chemically produced light from the lower abdomen may be yellow, green, or pale-red, with wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers.[2]…
In Virginia Woolf’s short essay “The Death of the Moth”, Woolf uses combat imagery to portray the vulnerability of all creatures on Earth to death, but also to show how some will not give up without a fight. Witnessing the moth’s death, Wolf realizes that it tries to hold onto life before giving up. She shows the patheticness of death, but also shows respect for the power death has over life.…
Mosquitoes are small insects that have a very thin body. Mosquitoes can be found anywhere except for Antarctica. There are about 170 different species of mosquitoes in all of North America. To grow, mosquitoes need a small area of stagnant water. Mosquitoes have been known to breed in fresh water, salt-water marshes, or water found in old tires or plastic containers. The mosquito life cycle has 4 significant stages. They go from eggs to larvae to pupae and finally to adult. Only female mosquitoes can bite. Male mosquitoes feed on mostly flower nectar. The females, however, require a blood meal to lay their eggs.…