The book “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding and the the movie” Mean Girls” produced by Tina Fey, you can see the similarities easily. In the bother of them, no one gets along, there are real evils sharp from the "villains" in each story, and both tell what really would happen if you gave people. of each gender and age groups, power and/or freedom and no rules. Evil is evil however it is presented in "Mean girls", evil attacks people physically/emotionally/verbally. While in Lord of the Flies, evil attacks others more physically than emotionally. Both stories share a common theme. Both stories tell about a tyrant with a bunch of clueless followers that pick on the weak.
When told to compare and contrast Lord of the Flies by William Golding and "Mean
In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, the entire plot is revolving around many school boys, from the ages of four to twelve, stranded on a deserted island with no adults and no order. There is a lot of testosterone and fighting over authority. There is a lot of mortal combat and death in this novel. There is, however, bullying and harsh words are exchanged between the boys, as well. there is absolutely no romance in Lord of the Flies, either, it is strictly about young British boys in the 1950's trying to survive together on an island. Unfortunately, there is no "happy ending" to this novel, evil wins. There are way more "villains" than there are "heroes" and, unlike fairy tales evil beats good in the overall look of things. This book is serious and heavy and is an symbol for life itself.
On the other hand, Tina Fey's film "Mean Girls" is a light-heart, "girl version" of Lord of the Flies. The entire plot is about older high school, american girls in 2004. Adults play a small but crucial role in "Mean Girls", however, the girls mainly solved everything on their own. Before their resolutions though, there was extreme amount of gossip and verbal and physical fighting between