In this chapter of the summer reading book, there was a man that was a new patient to the hospital. He seemed normal to the nurse but then he awoke from a snooze.. he had somehow made it down to the floor and refusing to get back in his bed. When Dr.Sacks arrives the man is still sitting on the floor staring at one leg. On his face you could ready many expressions to the point that you could tell that he was confused. When he awoke he thought that there was a cold and hairy leg in the bed with him, so he tries to throw it out of the bed, away from him. By doing so he throws himself in the floor because it was actually his leg that he was trying to throw out of the bed. The Dr.Sacks had to try to explain to him that it was his own leg that was in the bed with him, the patient wouldn’t believe what he was telling him. The man never recognized that it was is own, because complete loss of awareness of his hemiplegic limb. I believe that this is the cognitive perspective, because the man has a perception of this “strange” leg which is actually his. I couldn’t imagine being in a hospital and looking down and there being a cold and hairy leg in my bed with me. I would have went a lot crazier than he did.
*Cadaver- a corpse. *Peculiar- strange; odd
*Vociferating- shout; complain