
The Man Who Went To Chicago Analysis

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Transracial Adoption and the Effects on Children In Richard Wright’s “The Man Who Went to Chicago”, Wright expresses his journey of several jobs and the way people treat him and the African American race. He learns that there are some people who have hatred toward him just because the color of his skin. Being use to the hatred towards African Americans, he later begins to hate himself because that is all he knows. This essay leads me to wonder about several racial controversies and what people think about them, such as the idea of transracial adoption and the effects on children growing up in those multi ethnic households. A greater question that this story leads me to is whether it is beneficial for children to be adopted by parents of a different race or ethnic group. There have been many debates and studies lead concerning how these adoptions affects these children. Some studies are focused on the benefits children receive by being adopted to another ethnic group, while others focus on the disadvantages and negative aspects of the children growing up. …show more content…

For a couple to have one religion and the child that has another is a bit of a hassle to deal with in the household. For example if a couple is Christian and they adopt a child from India, there is a boundary that the parents have to discuss and become one as a family. “Most adoptive parents raise their children in the faith they practice at home, but do not expose them to the cultural heritage of their birth country”(Rotner). Religion is something the parents have to address and share with their children. Like most parents, they will raise their children with the religion they practice and let the children decide when they are out of the house or eighteen to decide what they want for themselves. According to Joshua Padilla, “situations like these are common and normal for families to go

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