The Manifest Destiny was a belief that took place in the 1840's. The belief was the expansion of the United States farther west, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Americans believed that it was meant for them to go cross-country. They thought that they were supposed to explore the west. The Manifest Destiny had a very big impact on the United States. It was important during the election of 1844. Therefore, the Manifest Destiny had a big impact on the United States.
The belief, "Manifest Destiny," gave the U.S. land from all over. The United States received land from Britain, France, Mexico and Spain. The United States also received the Mexican cession, which was received by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The U.S. got the Oregon Country from Britain when President Polk promised to gain control of Oregon. But he did not want to start a war with Britain, so he compromised. His compromise was that Oregon would be divided at the latitude 49º N. The Louisiana Purchase was gotten from France. The Gadsden Purchase was received from Mexico. Florida was received from Spain. Therefore, the United States received states from all over.
Manifest Destiny was very important during the election of 1844. During that election Polk made some promises about the land in the west. He promised Oregon in the United States. It later became a state. Polk offered to pay Mexico $30 million for California and New Mexico. However, Mexico opposed all because they did not want to lose anymore of their land.
In conclusion, the manifest destiny had a big impact on the United States. It was a very important role in the United States history. The manifest destiny was a thought that made people think. It made people want more land in the west. Therefore, the Manifest Destiny had an important role in the history of the United States.
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