The Problem and Its Background
1.1 Introduction
The purpose of this project is to provide analysis about the strengths and weaknesses of Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation as well as the opportunities and threats revealed by the information I have gathered on its external environment.
Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation (MB) was founded as the Daily Bulletin on February 2, 1900 for the purpose of engaging in the publishing business. It was incorporated on June 12, 1912 as Bulletin Publishing Company and re- incorporated in 1959 as Bulletin Publishing Corporation. On June 22, 1989, the corporate name was amended to Manila Bulletin publishing Corporation.
SWOT Analysis is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. It is a strong tool, but it involves a great subjective element. It is best when used as a guide, and not as a prescription. Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation builds on their strengths, correct their weakness and protect against internal weaknesses and external threats. They also keep a watch on their overall business environment and recognize and exploit new opportunities faster than its competitors.
1.2 Background of the Study The Manila Bulletin (PSE: MB), (also known as the Bulletin and previously known as the Manila Daily Bulletin and theBulletin Today) is the Philippines largest broadsheet newspaper by circulation, followed by the Philippine Daily Inquirer. It bills itself as "The Philippines' Leading National Newspaper", which is its official slogan. Founded in 1900 as a shipping journal, it is the second-oldest Philippine newspaper, second only to The Manila Times. The Manila Bulletin is the Philippine's newspaper of record.
The newspaper was originally owned by a Swiss expatriate named Hans Menzi. Its name was changed from Bulletin Today on March 12, 1986. On occasion the editorial policy of the Manila Bulletin has met objection from civil authorities. During World War II the newspaper's editor, Roy
References: Date of Birth : November 03, 1992 Place of Birth : Paracale, Camarines Norte