People turn to cosmetic surgery for medical reasons too. Many people have physical birth defects that use cosmetic surgeries to correct their deformities. In addition, people who have diseases or deformities utilize these surgeries. Many women who have lost the battle of breast cancer had to have their breasts removed . These patients have chosen to breast implants to boost their self-confidence and make them feel like they are women again. People who have scars from burns or almost any other physical deformity can choose a facial reconstruction to enhance their physical appearance. Gastric bypass surgery and lap bands are also very popular for obese individuals. Gastric bypass surgery actually removes a piece of one’s stomach to reduce the amount of food intake that the body allows. The surgery also restricts one from over eating and eating sweet foods. The lap band is a band that is placed around the stomach to reduce the space available for food to occupy the stomach. The lap band allows
References: Perry, A. W. (2007). Straight talk about cosmetic surgery. Yale University Press health & wellness. New Haven: Yale University Press. Grabb, W. C., Smith, J. W., & Aston, S. J. (1991). Plastic surgery. Boston: Little, Brown. Blum, V. L. (2003). Flesh wounds the culture of cosmetic surgery. Berkeley: University of California Press. National Cancer Institute. What you need to know about breast cancer: Symptoms. November, 2007, Cosmetic Surgery, the costs and risks, Financing surgery,