“Let us here highly resolve that these honored dead shall not have died in vain”(Ashabranner). These words from our 16th President Abraham Lincoln exemplify the meaning of Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington National Cemetery is a sanctuary to mourn those who have served and sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Former Presidents, war heroes, and other brave soldiers that have fought for this country are buried throughout this crypt within the rows upon rows of ivory marble tombs. Arlington National Cemetery also is the home of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that is guarded all day, everyday, rain, or shine. Guarded by the best soldiers, the Tomb of the Unknown symbolises safety for America.
Arlington was …show more content…
home to our first president and founding father George Washington. Arlington National Cemetery dates all the way back to 1864. George Washington married widow, Martha Dandridge Custis. She had four children with her first husband, Daniel Custis, tragically only two lived. Later, George Washington adopted both kids, John Parke Custis and Martha Parke Custis. Throughout John Parke Custis’s adulthood he married and raised a family. He got an inheritance from his biological father and bought 1,100 acres in Virginia in 1778. During the Revolutionary War he died leaving four children, two of which were adopted by George Washington, George Washington Parke Custis and Eleanor Parke Custis. George Washington Parke Custis inherited the 1,100 acres and built the Arlington Mansion we know today. George Washington Parke Custis married Mary Lee Fitzhugh and they had a child named Mary Anna Randolph Custis. On June 30, 1831 Mary Anna Randolph Custis wed Robert E. Lee. They lived in the Arlington house for the next thirty years with Mary Anna Randolph Custis’s parents. Robert E. Lee cherished the Arlington house that overlooked D.C. He said, “Anyone with half and eye could see it”(Ashabranner 28). Lee was an army officer and led U.S. troops for many years. When Mary Anna Randolph's dad, George Washington Parke Custis, died she got the house. It was falling apart and Lee left the army to work on it. Later, Lincoln was elected president and rumors of a civil war were beginning. Seven states seceded from the Union and formed Confederacy which approved slavery.
Robert E. Lee didn’t know what side to fight for because he loved his family and friends in Virginia. His words were, “I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relative, children, my house” (Ashabranner 29). Robert E. Lee eventually made the decision to resign from the U.S. army and fight for Virginia. Three days after making his decision he became general of the Confederate army. A month after Lee left, Mary Anna Randolph Custis left the house because she knew the Union forces would take it for high ground. Union troops ended up taking it for the view of Washington D.C. In 1862 U.S. congress passed an act to collect taxes on properties. The Arlington house taxes were $92.07. Mrs. Lee was in a wheelchair and unable to go pay them so she sent the money with a relative. The tax commissioner's refused payment if it wasn’t brought by Mrs. Lee and the commissioners sold the Arlington house saying taxes weren’t paid. U.S. government bought the 1,100 acre home for $26,800. The U.S. was in need for cemeteries for soldiers that had been killed. General Montgomery Meigs was put in charge of finding land and he thought the Arlington House would be perfect. The first military burial took place at Arlington estate on May 13, 1864 by General Meigs. The first person buried there was Private William Christman. After the burial General Meigs proposed Arlington as a military cemetary on June 15, 1864. Selecting two hundred acres around Arlington house was revenge against Robert E. Lee to make sure he would never return or live there. General Meigs insisted graves be dug in Mrs. Lee’s rose garden. In the garden 2,111 unknown skeletal remains were thrown in a stone vault built inside the rose garden which covered a circular pit ten feet deep and twenty feet in diameter. The large vault was sealed in September 1866 and above it was a large monument with a special inscription to honor the unknowns who gave their lives during the Civil war. By the end of 1864 over 7,000 graves were dug in the area known as the Field of the Dead. Over 16,000 burials were near the Arlington house. After the war Lee moved to Lexington because the Arlington house was surrounded by graves and he did not want to be disrespectful. It wasn’t until after Robert E. Lee died that there was questioning of the ownership. His oldest son, George Washington Parke Custis Lee, sued the U.S. government for claiming his inheritance. The lawsuit lasted five years but finally the Supreme court declared the government of trespassing and it was agreed that all the land belonged to him. Instead of moving the bodies George Washington Parke Custis Lee accepted the government's payment of $150,000 but the government still owned it. The house was restored in 1955 and was designated as a memorial to Robert E. Lee. The cemetery around Arlington started as revenge but it became a symbol of unity and honored Robert E. Lee.
In WWI millions were killed throughout the war.
Many were brought home from Europe but some did not return because they could not be identified. It was determined by our allies that an unknown soldier should be honored as a symbol of all the brave soldiers. Americans decided to choose an unknown American soldier to be buried at Arlington. Most American fighting took place in France and there were four American military Cemeteries. Four coffins were chosen from the cemeteries but only one would be chosen to represent the unknown soldiers of WWI. Corporal Edward Younger was given the honor to choose one of the four coffins to be sent to Arlington. He walked by the coffins placing dozens of white roses on the coffin he decided to choose. He said, “It was as though something pulled me. A voice seemed to say this is one of your pals”(Ashabranner 53). The unknown soldiers was then brought to the U.S. On November 11, 1921 the unknown soldier from WWI was taken to Arlington for burial. Huge white marble sarcophagus for the Tomb of the unknown were added in 1932. A similar selection process was used for the Korean War, WWII, and the Vietnam War. The inscription on the marble reads, “Here rest in honor glory an American soldier unknown but to god”(Ashabranner 58). The remains of the Vietnam Unknown, buried in Arlington, was believed to be Michael Blassie. Pat Blassie, Michael Blassies sister, and the rest of the family pushed the military and government to take a DNA sample. There …show more content…
wasn’t a process like this back in the Vietnam era. Michael Blassies A-37 team was shot down over South Vietnam in 1972. The items found were a wallet, a piece of a parachute, and partial dog tags. South Vietnamese recovery teams found remains in 1972. The military dug up the remains to do the DNA testing. They were very careful making sure not to ruin the other tombs. The military felt they owed it to the Blassie family to find out if this was their son. The DNA testing confirmed him as Michael Blassie. After they confirmed it was him they sent him to Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis with his family. As his remains were being transported, an honor guard fired a twenty-one gun salute and was a F15 Eagle fighters missing man flyover. The Vietnam Unknown crypt is now empty. Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown is an amazing honor that people who get to do it take it very seriously.
Some of the first people to take care of the cemetery was military personal and at night there were civilian watchman. Vandals began to destroy things in the cemetery so the military stepped in. Starting in 1937 it was guarded twenty four hours by military guards. In 1948 the third infantry, also known at The Old Guard had the great responsibility of guarding the Tomb of the unknown. The tomb is guarded 24/7/365. The third infantry is important because they are the only unit allowed to march with bayonets on rifles. They have many important duties like providing protection for the capital during national emergencies, provide escorts for the presidents, and conduct Arlington National Cemetery. Their most important honor given to the third infantry is guarding the Tomb of Unknown. All the guards are volunteer but have to apply for a Tomb of the Unknown guarding position. All applicants must go through rigorous physical training and they are tested on Arlington Cemetery information. All applicants must be 6 feet tall with a small waistline. They must have a perfect military record and no police record. For six months the volunteers learn how to be a guard, learn how to handle a rifle, how to obtain their uniform and posture, their arm swing, heel clicks, and their walk. Most guards only serve for eighteen months because there is so much pressure to be perfect but it is an
amazing honor. Tomb guards have to memorize the Sentinel Creed.
My dedication to this sacred duty is total and whole-hearted.
In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter.
And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.
Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements,
I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability.
It is he who commands the respect I protect, his bravery that made us so proud.
Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day, alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance(Ashabranner 74-75).
The procedure of the tomb never changes. The guard takes twenty-one steps on a sixty-three foot runner in front of the tomb. Then the guard pauses for twenty-one seconds and repeats. The number twenty-one represents the twenty-one gun salute. Also they get the number twenty-one from adding the numbers of 1776 which is the year
America gained independence. The audience must remain still and quiet. Guards switch out every hour in the fall and winter and every half hour in the spring and summer. The third infantry was and still is a combat unit so no women had been allowed to enter the elite honor guard in the past. In 1994 the secretary of the Army ruled that women could serve in the twenty-five member squad. Sgt. Heather Lynn Johnsen became the first ever woman to guard the Tomb of the unknown. Her words were, “There is no higher honor. I can’t think of anything greater to do for my country”(Howel A5). John F. Kennedy was one of many presidents buried in Arlington. He was assassinated on November 22, 1963 while camping in Dallas, Texas. He was buried in Arlington because his wife thought he belonged to the people. Another reason that persuaded his wife to have him buried there was when he was with his friend and the were visiting Arlington John F. Kennedy said, ¨I could stay here forever¨(New York The Sun). During his funeral Mrs. Kennedy lit the Eternal Flame. He is one of two president buried in Arlington including William Howard Taft, the United States 27th president. He was appointed war general and was Chief Justice of the Supreme court. Another honorable person interred at Arlington is the great Joe Louis who was buried at Arlington with a technical exception waved by president Ronald Reagan. Next, Lee Marvin, a small town actor who fought in WWII was awarded the Purple Heart and given the honor to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Last but not least Robert Kennedy was buried there because he like John F. Kennedy was assassinated.