Brazil is enriched with a cultural pallet of race, pride, and music. It is most known for its syncretism and blend of culture. The music could be described as soothing, exciting, or highly spiritual, it depends on what your listen to. However, Brazil has murky shadows filled with cultural rivalries, especially on how the country should view itself. Politics played a big role from Fascist leader Vargas to peaceful and accepting Kubitshek. With the strings of Europe, and the rhythms of West Africa, Brazil becomes the epicenter for such powerful music. You don't need a history book to understand the mixture and story of these two styles coming together as one. All you need to do is listen to the music. Welcome to the Carnival! As every seemingly successful country that stands today, comes with a brutal past. With man taking ownership to land. This is what the Portuguese did to the indigenous people the Tupis of Brazil. The Candomble tribe in Africa was taken from the Portuguese into slavery. The main export was Salvador. Sugar, gold, rubber, coffee were the main export items that slaves were forced to work with. The slaves of practiced a religious mixture of Portuguese Catholicism, and African Santeria. However, they didn't really practice Catholicism. They practiced their tribe's ceremonies in secret. Samba's name was taken from Semba and African word Angolan Style. “Samba De Roda” was a circle formed ritual practiced on plantations. In 1888 slavery was abolished, and Brazil was almost one of the last countries to abolish slavery. What's good poly rhythms !? The Portuguese fled from Nepoleon, and made the capital Rio De Janeiro, and took the slaves with them. The slaves came along and brought what was known as “primitive” roots. Samba comprised of European strings and African Percussion .Chula; highly improvised dance and song in a ring, then developed into groups which made Samba Schools. In 1916 a famous musician Tia
Brazil is enriched with a cultural pallet of race, pride, and music. It is most known for its syncretism and blend of culture. The music could be described as soothing, exciting, or highly spiritual, it depends on what your listen to. However, Brazil has murky shadows filled with cultural rivalries, especially on how the country should view itself. Politics played a big role from Fascist leader Vargas to peaceful and accepting Kubitshek. With the strings of Europe, and the rhythms of West Africa, Brazil becomes the epicenter for such powerful music. You don't need a history book to understand the mixture and story of these two styles coming together as one. All you need to do is listen to the music. Welcome to the Carnival! As every seemingly successful country that stands today, comes with a brutal past. With man taking ownership to land. This is what the Portuguese did to the indigenous people the Tupis of Brazil. The Candomble tribe in Africa was taken from the Portuguese into slavery. The main export was Salvador. Sugar, gold, rubber, coffee were the main export items that slaves were forced to work with. The slaves of practiced a religious mixture of Portuguese Catholicism, and African Santeria. However, they didn't really practice Catholicism. They practiced their tribe's ceremonies in secret. Samba's name was taken from Semba and African word Angolan Style. “Samba De Roda” was a circle formed ritual practiced on plantations. In 1888 slavery was abolished, and Brazil was almost one of the last countries to abolish slavery. What's good poly rhythms !? The Portuguese fled from Nepoleon, and made the capital Rio De Janeiro, and took the slaves with them. The slaves came along and brought what was known as “primitive” roots. Samba comprised of European strings and African Percussion .Chula; highly improvised dance and song in a ring, then developed into groups which made Samba Schools. In 1916 a famous musician Tia