1. Write a draft of the proposal, as your boss requested. This business case recommends the creation of a review committee. One of disadvantages we have found within the current group is the uneven number of people from each department, which can result in certain bias, where departments might favor projects requested by their own departments. By creating a review committee we minimize potential bias in favors of future projects, as well as providing a variety of experience and knowledge.
2. Write a memo to your boss explaining potential disadvantages of the committee approach. Although a review committee would provide a variety of experience and knowledge, as well as open up potential for new projects, some negative effects would be the delay of projects. We would have to ensure no member is late, and that all members are happy with the ideas presented through the meeting. Another potential disadvantage of a committee is that members might favor projects requested by their own departments, and internal political differences could delay important decisions, which could result in not reaching deadlines and pushing dates back.
3. Draft a set of ground rules for committee meetings. Try to suggest rules that will minimize political differences and focus on the overall benefit to the company.
Some rules and regulations that would lower the disadvantages stated in the memo given to you earlier would be: 1. Give all members access to a mobile phone. This will help with getting people to arrive on time; they