In 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt claimed, in what became known as the Roosevelt Corollary, that the United States could intervene in any Latin American nation guilty of internal or external misconduct. Roosevelt's statement was precipitated by Germany, Britain, and Italy, which were trying to force Venezuela to repay debts to those countries. Roosevelt involved the United States in settling the matter. The corollary was part of President Roosevelt's address to Congress that year. Roosevelt's corollary to the Monroe Doctrine set a precedent and therefore justified subsequent U.S. intervention in Caribbean states during the administrations of Presidents William Taft and Woodrow Wilson. By the 1920s Latin American countries were protesting U.S. involvement.
In 1900, Theodore Roosevelt, then governor of New York and candidate for vice president of the United States on the Republican ticket, told a men's club in Chicago that "our country calls out not for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavor." He argued that the United States should build its military power in order to be able to control events in the West Indies, the Philippines, and elsewhere. This outlook is an example of Roosevelt's "big stick" policy, which he put into practice when he became president in 1901. It held that the United States needed to be strong enough to mold