In the short story, it shows a group of kids living on Venus are waiting for the sun. As the storylines go well they are waiting a girl named Margot, says to a boy that she hates living on Venus she wished she was back on planet earth and how she always saw the sun everyday. As a result the boy, William gets the group of kids, two waiting for the sun, to lock Margot in a closet and Margot didn't see the sun. When the kids locked Margot in a closet, she was crying and sobbing, but when they came back to let her out she was quiet and they didn't hear a sound coming from inside the closet. This shows that if you get a group of people to turn against someone it could turn into something a lot bigger than what they were trying to
In the short story, it shows a group of kids living on Venus are waiting for the sun. As the storylines go well they are waiting a girl named Margot, says to a boy that she hates living on Venus she wished she was back on planet earth and how she always saw the sun everyday. As a result the boy, William gets the group of kids, two waiting for the sun, to lock Margot in a closet and Margot didn't see the sun. When the kids locked Margot in a closet, she was crying and sobbing, but when they came back to let her out she was quiet and they didn't hear a sound coming from inside the closet. This shows that if you get a group of people to turn against someone it could turn into something a lot bigger than what they were trying to