I. Introduction
- “Artists must be sacrificed to their art. Like bees, they must put their lives into the sting they give” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
-MS was written in 1919 by William Somerset Maugham, a famous English writer, a novelist and a short story teller. In his writings, he kept to the principles of Realism, but his method of writing was also influenced by Naturalism, Neo-romanticism and Modernism.
-The chapter XII of MS depicts the conversation between Strickland and a friend of his family. The characteristics and the bourgeois concepts of happiness, responsibility, art and talent were all revealed by the author.
II. Body
1. Content
- The story begins with poor and miserable living conditions of Strickland at a hotel in the Avenue de Clichy. This place was crowded with all kinds of people, and it is a poor area of Paris, where you could not expect what would happen suddenly. The friend of his family cannot expect that Strickland is from a successful stockbroker to a man with typical image of an artist such as poor, untidy, dirty, never look smart and neat.
- Characteristics and attitudes:
+ As an ordinary man:
Being null: a husband, a father, a broker.
Being honest: says exactly what’s in mind.
Being rude and in bad manner: brutal sarcasm, cuss
“ Damn it all”
“ You blasted fool”…
Not minding social criticisms: with empty soul, one day just leaves, no more emotion
“ Everyone will think you are a perfect swine- Let them ”
“ You don’t care if people... their bread? - Not a damn”
Selfish: put personal concerns “painting” first regardless of others.
Heartless, irresponsible with cold attitude: abandons his family and no cares anymore about his family although they are suddenly left. His children are thrown into chaotic society without any regret even though they are dependent on them.
“Don’t you care for her anymore?- Not a bit”
“ … law has some protection to offer them”
“ … I haven’t got any particular feelings for them”…