The setting of the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell is absolutely essential to the plot of the story. For example, the story has to be set on an isolated island. If the setting is on mainland the people trapped would be able to have better resources such as police to get away from General Zaroff and his game. Another example why the story is set on a deserted island is that people would know about Zaroff game and no one would come near the island. As Rainsford finally noticed that he is stranded, it came as a big shock to him, “ he was in a picture frame of water” (11) and the only way that he can get off the island now is to win the game, Another example for the setting being an Isolated island
being a vital part of the plot is because without the island being surrounded by rocks and having a false channel so no boats reach the island and they would become shipwreck. The false channel is important because if General Zaroff turns it on the boats go through it and they become shipwrecked by the jagged rocks. Once they are shipwrecked the people have no choice but to go to the closest piece of land which is sadly where General Zaroff lives and plays his dirty game. “ They indicate a channel. . . where there is none. . . giant rocks with razor edges” (8). In conclusion, that is why the setting is essential to the plot of “ The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard connell.