Most Important Person - mother
Essay By: Sezan Vahpieva
Tags: Most, Important, Person, Mother
I think mother, is the most important person in life, for everyone...
Submitted:Feb 17, 2012 Reads: 44,452 Comments: 4 Likes: 1
Most Important Person: By: Sezan Vahpieva
I think the most important person in my life is my mother. The reason why I chose my mother is because she is really all I have, she is my motivation, and she helps me live through all my struggles. I wouldn't be able now to enjoy this minute of my life writing this essay without my mother. My mother has brought me to this wonderful world. For nine months she carried me, she felt very bad, but did not refuse, and gave birth to me.
Looking back, my mom is the most positive and important influence on my life.
I've been mentioning my mom, in almost every essay I write. But I really can't express how much I love her, in just words. My mom is a really big part of me, and she's the person who influences and inspires me. I can't imagine my life without her. What would I do?? I don't know.
I've learned how to love her, since I met her for the first time. And I will always love her. She is everything for me. She always protects me and always supports me. She is always with me, when I'm happy and when I'm sad. She helps me with hard problems in my life, and she is glad for some good things I do.
She helped me from the first, day I was born. She fed me; she didn't sleep for many nights, only to make me comfortable. She went for walks with me, and was always with me. From the first grade of my school, she helped me with my homework; she taught me how to behave.
I am who I am, because of my mom. She always tries to make me a better person. From childhood, she hired a piano and chess teacher for me. She bought a lot of books for me to read. She bought some