My grandmother displays excellent leadership qualities in her friendships, business relationships, and associative relationships. She has a charisma that makes others feel better about themselves, making it easy for people to put their trust and her and look up to her. Anything that my grandmother commits herself to, she will see it out to the end. She’s a person that is persistent in achieving the goals she set without be conniving or deceiving, my grandmother believes that doing something the right way is the only way to do it. She always uses the phrase, “If you use shortcuts in life you will get cut short”. That phrase has stuck with me until this day and so have the morals and values she’s instilled in me. When I feel like things are caving in around me and I can no longer go forward or excel in things I’m doing it, I call my grandmother for support and inspiration. She always makes me feel like giving up isn’t an option. She also has taught me to not treat all people with kindness and respect, even people who has tried and tried to throw obstacles on my pathway to success. I believe for a person to treat people with something they have never treated them with takes a lot of humbleness and lack of pride.…