“Describe the type of society that the National Goals and Directive Principles, Basic Rights and the Basic Social Obligations of the PNG Constitution want for PNG”
Name: Fredah Wagia
ID#: 20110971
Major: Social Work (SHSS-BAIII)
Course: Law & Society
Name: Fredah Wagia
ID#: 20110971
Major: Social Work (SHSS-BAIII)
Course: Law & Society
“Describe the kind of society that the national goals and directive principles, the Basic Rights and the Basic Social Obligations of the Constitution want for Papua New Guinea”
The National Goals and Directive Principles, the Basic Rights and the Basic Social Obligations of the Preamble are all part of the PNG Constitution. The following describes the kind of society each of them want for Papua New Guinea
The National Goals and Directive Principles
The National Goals and Directive Principles of the Preamble as mentioned in the constitution of Papua New Guinea basically talks about the aims of each and every individual Papua New Guineans, wether corporate or un-incorporate as long as you are a Papua New Guinean, are to follow as a guide to have a harmonious and well developed society. 1. Integral Human Development
The number one (1) National Goal and Directive Principle basically talks about human development in Papua New Guinean society. It is based on enhancing people’s active participation in the development processes such as health, education and all other development processes that would help in human development. The first national goal and directive principle basically talks about having a society where people (Papua New Guineans), have access to education, access to health facilities and to develop individually as a person in relationship with others so that the community or the society that we live in would be sustainable and a crime-free (with less law and order problems) society to live in. 2. Equality and