
The Necklace Essay

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The Necklace Essay
Materialistic people , don’t you want to just wipe them off the face of the Earth ? In the short story , “The Necklace” written by Guy De Maupassant, Madame Loisel can definitely be considered a materialistic character. When I was reading “The Necklace” , I noticed lots of different qualities in Madame Loisel. Some qualities I noticed in her was that she was manipulative, greedy and insecure. I’m not sure how you would go about this situation , but I definitely wouldn't want to be friends with her.

Madame Loisel was quite a manipulative woman . I feel as if she “ brainwashed” her husband into giving her francs for the ball. “I haven't a thing to wear. How could I go?” , stated Madame.
Her husband , Monsieur told her “ “But what about the dress you wear to the theater? I think it's lovely” , but Madame wasn't buying it. So, her scheme was to get her husband to feel sorry for her so she could have francs to buy a dress for the ball. Monsieur, being a good husband gave her the francs knowing she already had dresses.
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Madame Loisel, unquestionably, was a very insecure person. This quality for sure was something I interpreted through the entire story . This trait also played a significant role in Madame. Madame hated the fact that she wasn't going to look like every other woman at the ball.
“No...there's nothing more humiliating than to look poverty-stricken among a lot of rich women.” , stated Madame. So we can interpret that she was having internal issues with her

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