Virginia D. Faircloth
Charleston Southern University
1. What is the traditional evangelical position regarding the canon?
The evangelical position is the affirmation of God’s formation of its books and their position in the canon.
2. Did an apocryphal Gospel ever circulate with a canonical Gospel?
No, because apocryphal Gospel, by definition means non-canonical, or mythical and untrue. These Gospels are also proven mythical/untrue by their minimal translations into the Greek language and never circulate with a canonical Gospel.
3. When was the NT canon closed from a divine perspective?
The canon is determined closed around 95 A.D. upon the writing of the book of Revelations where everything comes full circle back to the Garden of Eden.
4. Which NT books are called “Scripture” in the NT?
Luke, Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon
5. What is formal equivalence? What is dynamic equivalence?
Formal equivalence: is the translation word for word. This form of translation caused some issue due to the grammatical structure of languages being different, thereby making the meaning different.
Dynamic equivalence: is the translation from thought to thought. In this form, translation is taking the sentence in its translated state and interpreting the thought to provide the message in a proper grammatical form upon the language it is being translated into.
6. What is an autograph?
In the context of the NT, an autograph means THE original writing of the word from its original author.
Stenberger, A., & Kellum, L. (2012). Chapter 1. In The Lion and the Lamb: New Testament essentials from the cradle, the cross, and the crown. Nashville, Tenn.: B & H Academic.