Then Harold wakes up in the middle of the night with tears down his face and frightened of that night forever in his mind. Normin wakes up as well in the other room as he hears harold get up from his bed.He asked harold “what happened” …show more content…
“Go back to sleep” Harold said. An hour passes by and Harold goes to the basement to do his personal research. His personal research he says is the only reason why he doesn’t want to get a job is because he feels like the research that he does is his job. The research that he does is all about those nightmares or the memories it depends who you ask him or everyone else.He says they are memories he says that they don’t feel fake they feel almost real but he just can’t control himself like its simulated. The second he tells someone else this they look at him like he is crazy but he knows something the they don’t.The secret is that he is special he has powers that are out of this world that don't make sense but are