This report used KCL and Ohm's law to calculate the node voltages and compare them to the measured node voltages after building the circuit. The calculations were obtained by hand using node analysis. The experiment was simulated on PSpice and the results were verified to hand calculations. The circuit was built in the lab and the results were measured with a digital multi-meter and compared to the calculated values, and the measured percent error in the measurements were found to be within 1 percent error.
1.0 Introduction
Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL), and Ohm's law are use to find the three node-voltages, vA, vB, and, vC, of the given circuit (See Figure 1 below). KCL uses node currents and then applies Ohm's law to derive an equation in terms of node voltages, resistors, and source voltages. These two laws are only needed when there is: known resistors, and known source voltage. This circuit is a simple circuit because there is only one source voltage and no voltage source shared between two loops. Figure 1: Circuit Layout
Section 2 goes over the Ohm's Law and KCL. Section 3 solves the circuit using calculations by hand and generates equations for needed to solve for node voltages. Section 4 uses PSpice simulation to obtain values of node voltage. Section 5 is the build and measure of the circuit, and percent error comparison. Section 6 is the discussion section of the results, and section 7 is the conclusion of the results.
2.0 Linear Circuit Analysis Techniques
This section explains two circuit laws needed to analyze the circuit.
2.1 Ohm's Law
Ohm's law is used to relate voltage across an element, current through it, and resistance of the element. Ohm's law is expressed in (1), where v is voltage across (volts), I is current through (amps), and R is resistance (ohms). The equation follows the passive sign convention.