Why should a manager read this book? For whom is it particularly useful and why? What is immediately useful?…
In the short story “the Monkeys Paw” by W.W Jacobs. Brings a range of moods that…
In the One Minute Manager’s world, monkeys mean problems: practical, material, emotional, spiritual. They clamber, happily and indiscriminately, from shoulder to shoulder, settling on the backs of anyone willing to carry them. We all have our share of monkeys, but the trick is to know which are truly yours. And this excellent (if occasionally rather cheesy) book aims to give you the tools you need.…
In the novel we first have the tale of the monkey king who is a deity but denied entrance to a party for being a monkey. The guard at the party says, "Look, you may be a king - you may even be a deity - but you are still a monkey" (15) completely embarrassing him in front of everyone at the party. He decides after beating everyone up that he will remove the characteristics…
I can’t say that I personally see the “monkey” as a…
Therefore he requested a transfer out of the sales department and into a management role. Dick was named plant manager at Modrow. He came in at a hectic time when a lot of changes were being implemented. In his efforts to familiarize himself with the daily operations, Dick first struggle as a manager was micro-managing. He had his hand in everything possible which made his employees feel very un-easy. According to Dr. White, Dick possessed many symptoms of a Micromanager. For example, Dick interest in cutting costs required the expert knowledge of the accounting group. Knowing that accounting wasn’t his strongest subject he still spent numerous hours burying himself in details that he just could not understand. Micromanagers don’t allow any decisions be made with their approval (White, 2010). Dick had also taken on too many tasks at once making it almost impossible for any of them to be implemented successfully. Being the micromanager that he was, Dick didn’t delegate tasks very well, another symptom of a micromanager (White, 2010). Another example of Dick’s micromanaging is when he insisted on changing the disposal process of scraps. When discussing this change with his foremen, Dick didn’t listen to the foreman’s thoughts as to why the change wouldn’t work. Micromanagers tend to have the mentality; it’s my way or the highway. Traditional micromanagers will completely disregard new concepts offered by their subordinates (Weyand,…
When I first started reading the book I had a hard time following it, I think it was because I just didn’t understand his style of writing at first. I think part of it may have been his use of words too. I didn’t really care for the term “monkey mind”, I felt that it was very redundant and became very distracting to me throughout the book. I also felt that he was self-indulgent throughout almost the entire book. Also, I felt like he put his daughter and wife on the back burner in his endless pursuit of liberation. I had made a note of this upon my reading the book. I then scribbled it out thinking that it may have not been important in the paper, but the book later pointed out that he realized his neglect of his daughter and wife in his pursuit to the answers of American Buddhism. I’m sure that Dinty Moore would assert that it was not selfish however, since we are all one and the same and there is no definite separation of individual except in the mind. I think overall it was a good book though; he made a lot of good points that seem very relevant in my life at the current time which I though was very interesting. He points out that instead of focusing all time and attention on retiring, and getting that certain job, or certain promotion; one needs to focus on then here and now, the little things of life. This really applies to the fact that I get so caught up in my work schedule at Chili’s and feel like if my boss changes my schedule it is a reflection of my performance and is enough to make me not even want to get out of bed. Reading this book actually helped me see things as minutiae, minor details, and I actually laughed about my work situation. I get so caught up in grades and work that life will pass me by if I’m not careful. The fact is the manager was giving me a break because I work six days a week and he knows how much I put into my academics as well; it…
Neale, Greg . "Peter Singer: Monkey business." The Independent. N.p., 03/12/2006. Web. 3 May 2011. <http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/peter-singer-monkey-business-426768.html>.…
The book I chose to read and to write about is called “Why Managing Sucks And How To Fix It,” written by Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson. These ladies began working together at Best Buy, Co., Inc., which is where they had the idea that companies should trust their employees to complete their work and also live their lives without having to manage them (Ressler & Thompson, 2013). The authors believed that people want complete autonomy to manage demands in their lives. Thompson says “when you treat people like adults they act like adults and when people are treated like children they act out.” The authors believe companies can change the way they manage…
●Today’s managers have to manage the paradox of time - to create more time they will have to invest more time in their people; there is no other way…
Some managers can identify workloads, delegate and supervise but they do not inspire, motivate and lead effectively.…
According to the book, management is the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives efficiently and ethically, as well as effectively. Before we started to learn the class material and before the Virtual Leader simulation began, I thought that managing others would not be too difficult. I mainly thought that with authority came power, but as we learned in class this is not the case. My initial perception was that employees under managers would comply with their manager’s requests without much hesitation since the manager would automatically have reward, coercive, and legitimate power. The Virtual Leader scenario was quite a learning experience as I was not too good at it to begin with.…
"Management is usually viewed as getting things done through other people in order to achieve stated organisational objectives."…
References: Blanchard, Ken (2005) Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager. New York, NY. HarperCollins Publishers Inc.…
I began this book like most books, with great anticipation that it was going to be amazing, why else would a qualified instructor assign it. I assumed that it would be a shining example of the finest managerial principals in existence all compacted into a simple to read text with plenty of graphs and helpful handouts. I was certain that I would be a more effective leader for having read it. I spent time strategizing how I would write my paper with great enthusiasm. Then, I read the book.…