The open door policy with china was created by John Milton Hay, the US Secretary of State, the "Open Door" was to create powerful countries to trade freely and equally. The open door policy stated that all European nations, and the United States, could trade with China .In reply, each nation tried to evade Hay's request, taking the position that it could not commit itself until the other nations had complied. However, by July 1900, Hay announced that each of the powers had granted consent in principle. Although treaties made after 1900 refer to the Open Door Policy, competition among the various powers for special concessions within China for railroad rights, mining rights, loans, foreign trade ports, and so forth, continued unchanged. Although the Open Door is generally associated with, China was recognized at the Berlin Conference of 1885, which declared that no power could levy preferential duties in the Congo. The Open Door Policy had been weakened by a series of secret treaties (1917) between Japan and the Allies, which promised Japan the German possessions in China on successful conclusion of World War I. By 1899, the United States had become a world power. It was not only the world’s greatest industrial nation, but in the war with Spain it had demonstrated a willingness to use its power militarily. It had acquired possessions near and far and the sun shone on the American flag in East Asia as well as the eastern Pacific and the Caribbean.…