What are the origins of performance appraisal and performance management and what are the differences between them.
MSc Human Resource Management
Glamorgan Business School
University of Glamorgan
What are the origins of performance appraisal and performance management and what are the differences between them.
Performance management and performance appraisal are symbiotic strategies that yield great results in the human resource and business world. The term performance management is a shift from performance appraisal, as it was actually intended to sustain the approach/strategy in the business world. Performance management is a data-oriented and scientifically based management system (Daniels, 2000) which creates culture in other to bring about the improvement of individual skills, business processes as well as employees behaviour and contribution towards the development of the organisation. It can also be seen as a holistic approach bringing together various strategies and rudiments that comprise of successful performance management practices, including employee self development (Armstrong and Baron, 2005, p1-2). Performance management has been defined by diverse HR scholars such as Lockett, Armstrong, Angela Baron, Hendry etc, and below are some of the definitions: “A process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved” (Armstrong, Baron,2005, p.2). “A systematic approach to improving individual and team performance in order to achieve organisational goals” (Hendry et al). “The development of individuals with competence and commitment, working towards the achievement of shared meaningful objectives, within an organisation that supports and encourages their
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