The author talks about the main features of their subculture. The main ones are brotherhood, the wearing of colors with the 3-piece back patch, and riding Harley Davidson motorcycles in group formation. These features hold symbolic meanings for the club members and serve important functions within the subculture. Through motorcycling, Enforcement Motorcycle Clubs provide their members with meaningful social participation and interpersonal relations, which re-establishes meaning and a sense of purpose in their lives. This book tells the stories of some club members to get their story on how they want the citizens to perceive what they do in their clubs. The author gives some information on how their political organization works. It consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, road captain, and sergeant-at-arms. Localized groups of a single, large motorcycle club are called chapters or charters, and the first chapter established for a motorcycle club is referred to as the mother chapter. The president of the mother chapter serves as the president of the entire MC, and sets club policy on a variety of issues. The Renegade Pigs, the Warthogs…