A prince is kidnapped by a dangerous dragon, as the dragon’s fiery breath burns up all the clothes in the palace the princess who loves the prince is left with only finding a paper bag to wear as she goes to rescue her love. By cleverly tricking the dragon, she enters the cave where the prince, still beautifully dressed, is held captive. She recues him, and is true love rewarded? No! The prince complains that she is a disaster, badly dressed, dirty and all messed up. She replies that he is a fine and handsome prince, but completely useless. And, in the end, they didn't marry after all. This story touches upon great teaching points within today’s classroom and how we can use such books to engage and teach students and learn about stereotypes and that everyone is equal, teaching them about appreciation and that sometimes things do not turn out as always expected but to be persistent and strong.
This story involves a female protagonist, who is smart, strong and resourceful. A reverse of the typical prince rescues a princess. At first this book may seem to relate better to females, but at a second glance you can begin to see that it is universal and relate to all children alike, whether it is boys or girls. All children can relate to the topics involved, even boys without having a male protagonist to relate to because the message it conveys is a universal on, which is that anyone can be strong if they put their mind to it. Though this story may seem to be about the empowerment of girls, boys too can learn to understand that we now live in a society where everyone is equal and have the same opportunities. Regardless of one’s sex, race or religion, we have the same rights and