Senior Division
|Name of Winner |: Chua Lizette Edralin |
|Name of School |: St. Paul’s Convent School |
|Title of Book Read |: The Little Prince |
|Author |: Antoine De Saint-Exupery |
|Publisher |: Mammoth |
Every one of us has been there before. The days when we were young children, when we were full of wonder and imagination, when we were happy for every little pleasure. But as we grow older, reality and practical considerations cloud our sense of wonder and imagination, blind us to the beauty of the universe, and make us lose sight of what is truly important. A deeply inspiring and thought-provoking novel, The Little Prince transports us back to those childhood days and lets us look at the world from a child’s perspective once again.
The story began with the narrator recounting his childhood attempts at drawing an elephant swallowed by a boa constrictor. To his frustration, all the grown-ups who saw the picture (which he named Drawing Number One) immediately assumed it to be one of a hat, so he drew another version of the picture, Drawing Number Two. It clearly showed an elephant inside a boa constrictor, but the grown-ups were neither amused nor impressed. Instead, they advised him to lay aside his drawings and devote himself to his lessons. Disheartened, he gave up drawing and eventually became a pilot. Even as an adult, he remembered his childhood drawings and would show Drawing Number One to people whom