With the fast development of the society, we have stepped into an era of information and technology. Cell phone, regarded as a main communication tool, is enjoying great popularity in the world. Some people even can't live without it. While Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics at American University in Washington, D.C. said, "What people like most about their mobile devices is that they can reach other people. What they like least is that other people can reach them." He explain the paradox of cell phones and I can't agree with him more.
Nowadays cell phones are regarded as a connection between individuals. As a result, such connection poses not only advantages, but also problems. For example, there is a successful businessman. With the help of cell phones, he can stay home on workdays if he wants. At the click of his finger, he can easily receive and send instructions to his staff through a cell phone. Even his salaries can be automatically credited to his account. Great convenience has received because of cell phones. However, after a period of hard work, he is now taking hard-earned holidays at a seaside resort when he receives a call from his boss, who told him that something goes wrong with his work. All of a sudden, his pleasure is totally spoiled. At this moment, you can see how modern communication devices show their gloomy face.
Second paradox is that cell phones are making gaps between individuals smaller while isolating people from each other. As all known, no one can lead a stable and trouble-free life in total isolation from others. For one things, a person's strength is limited and We are hardly to predict what is around the corner and when will we plunge into a difficulty. Once happened, it is of great convenience to seek help from others via cellphones. So it is no wonder why twitter and microbloging is blooming nowadays. For another, cell phones which are available to contact others whenever and