Baby Coyotito never slept safely "...he looked at the hanging box where Coyotito slept. And last he turned his head to Juana, his wife, who lay beside him on the mat, her blue shawl over her nose and over her breasts and around the small of her back" (1). Coyotito, or a different child (if they had any), must have lived in an unsanitary environment. They would have slept in a type of box. It could have also been dangerous for the baby to rest there because a hanging box can fall. Not only Coyotito was uncomfortable, Kino and Juana had to sleep on a mat on the ground. This may have caused them many physical challenges. "Kino could see the house was gone, and he did not question Juana."(63). With the Pearl, they could have sold it to buy a pleasant house. There could have been better things in store for them. The worst thing is seeing the thing that protected you your whole life, was gone among the shadows. The thing that kept them together wasn't there anymore. Although they had all what they needed, Kino and his family could have had a better, safer home at least for their new …show more content…
The Pearl could have brought him success and education, a big, suited house, and care and love for and from others. Him and his family could have had a great life filled with health and joy. Because of fear of regret he loses many opportunities. Through the essay the reader acknowledges that regret and fear are another way of telling you to back out. In time of anger, people make bad decisions. That is why Kino could have led a his life deftly using the Pearl. Like Lucille Ball once stated, " I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't