Kino had finished, Juana came back to the fire and ate her breakfast.” (Steinbeck 4). Juana, Kino’s wife, is his caretaker as well as her son’s. The level of inequality between the couple is exemplified when Steinbeck makes it clear time and time again that Juana takes care of Kino and her son before herself. A degree of submissiveness from Juana that matches how a wife would have responded to her husband in the early to mid 19th century is present throughout most of the story. Steinbeck uses silence as a way to communicate not only the submissiveness of the woman, but the dominance of the man when Kino and Juana, for example when he says “Hush," he said fiercely, "I am a man. Hush." And she was silent, for his voice was command.” (Steinbeck 57). Steinbeck uses her silence as a way to show her acceptance of Kino having the final say. However, Juana’s silence ends when disaster strikes. Tarr 2
Tragedy can force someone out of one phase of his or her life and into the next.
When Juana has her son, Coyotito, her role in her marriage changes. Now, not only is she responsible for the upkeep of Kino and herself, but also her son. In the order of hierarchy, Juana moves down another notch. In that time, circumstances might have been different if she had a daughter. However, since males are held in a higher regard than females, Juana becomes her own last priority. While having her son influenced her one way, losing him swings her back to the other end of the pendulum. When Coyotito is killed, it changes Juana and Kino in a way not shown previously in the story. Instead of accepting being regarded as less than Kino, Juana makes her voice heard. For example, Juana eventually tells Kino no, and stands by her word. When Steinbeck says, “He looked then for weakness in her face, for fear or irresolution, and there was none.”(Steinbeck 78) he shows the transition Juana has made. She went from being beneath Kino to being able to express her opinion and be understood. By accepting her decision, Kino demonstrates how he has evolved as …show more content…
well. One of the most notable things Juana does is help develop other main characters. For example, her husband Kino experiences some changes in how he views his wife. Their relationship goes from having one dominant partner to Juana being considered Kino’s equal. Their marriage in The Pearl starts off as Kino saying things such as "You must. It is the wise thing and it is my wish.”(Steinbeck 77) His words are used as a way to display his authority over his wife. This shows the type of dominate nature that Kino has. However, his position in his relationship with his wife changes throughout the story. As Juana starts to voice her opinion after losing her son, Kino begins to listen. For Tarr 3
instance, “He shrugged his shoulders helplessly then, but he had taken strength from her.” (Steinbeck 78) Instead of making a decision and sticking by it, he looks to her to see what she thinks and is feeling about the particular situation.
Steinbeck uses positioning to show another transformation in their relationship in regards to Juana’s role when he says, “The two came from the rutted country road into the city, and they were not walking in single file, Kino ahead and Juana behind, as usual, but side by side.” ( Steinbeck 88) Walking beside Kino, shows that Juana is no longer his follower. Instead she has become his equal. She change her husband has made in accepting her as someone he can look to as opposed to looking down upon. Changes in Juana’s demeanor forced her husband to accept her as an equal
partner. The main woman in Jonathan Steinbeck’s The Pearl plays an array of roles throughout the story. Juana, the wife of a fisherman, goes from submissive mother to equal partner. However, each change required a degree of momentum caused by events in her life. Her first change took place when she became a mother to Coyotito, thereby putting her husband and son before herself. The most drastic change in her role occurs when her son passes away. This causes a shift in her actions, as she no longer has a son to take care of before herself. The final and strongest role of Juana is to help develop Kino and his personality. He starts off viewing Juana as subservient. However, he learns to view her an equal partner and look to her for her opinion. John Steinbeck uses Juana as a way to demonstrate the role of women in relation to a man, and the transformations that relationship can undergo.