
The Peculiar Institution: How Slavery Changed The World

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The Peculiar Institution: How Slavery Changed The World
Preston Winters
Accelerated World History II
C Set
March 9, 2016
The Peculiar Institution Slavery was possibly the most inhumane and damaging act ever committed by the human race, causing millions to be uprooted from their homes, families and anything that was familiar. After this, those sold into slavery went to work on plantations. The work was back breaking, the hours long, and the conditions more than poor. Slavery, it's roots, and its impact on the world changed the course of history for hundreds years to come,and arguably, forever. Slavery did not start with the plantations in North America, however, this institution did popularize the practice. Slavery in its simplest forms began during the time of Hammurabi, and laws regarding
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Later, ancient Roman slaves were strikingly similar to the slaves of the Americas, "The power of the master over his slave was absolute. He might whip him or put him to death at pleasure. This right was often exercised with great cruelty" ("Roman Slaves". Web.).Slaves were seen as objects to be used for work in fields, house, factory, or at the master's disposal. Even in ancient Rome, human slaves were for virtually the same purposes as slaves being brought to the Americas by the Europeans. In Europe, slavery initially began with indentured servants, people who owed debts to people, but where too poor to pay them, so they paid with labor until they were cleared of their debts. Initially, when the Europeans began to colonize the Americas, indentured servants were the source of the majority of the labor. Europeans knew that the conditions that slaved faced were deplorable, so deplorable in fact that they would not enslave other Europeans. Europeans all agreed that those from overseas were fair game, but not their brethren from neighboring countries," Europeans were united, however, in their unwillingness to send fellow Europeans as slaves on the same …show more content…
News of this new form of "energy" quickly spread from plantation to plantation, creating an entirely new industry that would forever alter the bias of men based on skin color. After the demand for able bodied slaves was established, a pattern emerged; slaves were purchased, used to create goods, and those goods were used to purchase more slaves, called "The Triangular Trade". In this system, the slaves were seen as machines rather than human beings with rights, which they were stripped of the moment they were sold. The Triangular Trade also emphasized that these slaves had a shelf life of three to five years, and had to be replaced. New slaves were made easily accessible to the European

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