Crust: Earth’s outer most layer 2typesContintinential: thick w/silicon,aluminum-Oceanic crust:Thin denser w/ dark igneous rocks (basalt/gabbro)…
One way to manage erosion is to eradicate the process of tilling. Tilling removes the soil from the top and exposes subsoil while burying the top soil. Presenting farmers with different methods that do not include the use of tilling would lower soil erosion. Surface cover and runoff are great ways to manage soil erosion. Surface cover prevents heavy showers from deteriorating the soil while runoff focuses on managing the flow of water at a down slope (Preventing and Managing Erosion,…
Striations are gouges on the bedrock. Bedrock is loose deposits of soil overlying rocks. Striations are made when a glacier moves over layers in which bedrock is contained. The glacier might have incorporated rocks and pebbles over time, so when the glacier moves through the bedrock the pebbles on the bottom of the glacier scratch the rock, and create…
The rock cycle is something that a lot of people know. There are a lot of different versions. Some are more complicated than others(OI). The rock cycle can take thousands of years to complete(OI)! Every rock can turn into another rock from every stage(Doc.1). Geology is not just studying boring rocks. There is a lot more to it. You can study rocks to find out how old the rock is or even how old the earth is. You could be the person to find out how long ago a dinosaur by what rock the bones were in. Or maybe you find a fossil of a new type of animal and the rocks can tell you when it lived. Rocks can be a whole lot more exciting than you ever thought.…
As the Universe continued to expand and cool further, atoms and molecules slowed down and accumulated into patchy clouds called nebulae…
We had to shake sugar cubes in a jar for 3 minutes, because we are talking about Mechanical Weathering. The purpose of this lab was to see what happens to rocks during Mechanical Weathering. The sugarcubes represented the rocks during Mechanical Weathering. We used sugarcubes because the Sugarcubes were the only thing close to rocks that will break up. In the first test ,we thought that the sugar cubes would break up. In the Second test we thought the Sugar cubes would break up more than the first time. By the 3rd time we knew that the Sugar cubes would break up completely. What happened the first time was the cubes broke up. The 2nd time the cubes Broke up more. The 3rd time the cubes broke up, but not completely. Our data does not make a…
The reason for this experiment is to prove that objects of different masses, when dropped from the same height, fall at the same velocity.…
At the beginning of each sub-section, activities are stated which develop candidates. skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works. Details are then given of the substantive contexts in which these skills, knowledge and understanding should be set. It is expected that, where appropriate, teachers will adopt a practical approach, enabling candidates to develop skills in addition to procedural knowledge and understanding. Note that objective test Chemistry 1a examines Section 11.1 . 11.3 and objective test Chemistry 1b examines Sections 11.4 . 11.6. 11.1 How do rocks provide building materials? The exploitation of rocks provides essential building materials. Limestone is a naturally…
Granite is one of the most well-known and commonly found types of igneous rock. Granite batholiths are a common rock type found in Richmond, VA. These larger igneous, intrusive rocks are found near my grandparents’ home in Richmond, and as a child I would constantly climb and play on them. Looking at granite in class always reminds me of these batholiths by my grandparents’ home. Granite consists mostly of the minerals quartz, mica and feldspar, which give granite its typical pink, white, and gray coloring. For this reason, it is sometimes defined by a “salt and pepper coloring”. This light coloring and mineral content clearly makes granite a felsic rock type.…
intrusive rocks harden slowly beneath the surface of the earth, and often form large mineral crystals within the rock. Granite is a good example of an intrusive rock.Porphyritic intrusive rocks have large crystals embedded in a matrix of smaller crystals. Pegmatite is the only porphyritic rock on the Science Olympiad list.Extrusive rocks harden quickly during a volcanic eruption and are usually smooth-grained. Basalt is the most common form of extrusive rock.…
Telling Geologic Time Putting it in perspective Determining geological ages • Relative age dates – placing rocks and events in their proper sequence of formation • Numerical dates – specifying the actual number of years that have passed since an event occurred (known as absolute age dating) Figure 1-15 (p. 16) Geologic Time Scale. Uniformitarianism The physical, biological and chemical principles acting on the Earth in the present also acted on the Earth in the past.…
Have you ever found a beautiful gem? Have you ever wondered what is in rocks? Did you know that red diamond is one of the most rare types of gems? Rocks and gems both have something in common, but have you ever wondered what makes rocks and gems different?…
Metamorphic rocks are the transformation of the existing rocks, the protolith through the process of metamorphism. The Protoliths can be the igneous rock, sedimentary rock or any old metamorphic rock. Due to severe heat and pressure, the protolithis get various chemical or physical changes. These rocks create a huge part of the Earth's crust and these can be classified by the mineral and chemical assemblage and by the textures. Examples of the metamorphic rocks are: slate, gneiss, schist, marble and quartzite.…
Plate tectonics are responsible for many of Earth’s natural occurrences. From volcanoes to earthquakes plate tectonics play are large role. Another natural occurrence that is not is discussed as much as volcanoes and earthquakes is the formation of sedimentary rock. Plate tectonics also plays a major role in the formation of this type of rock.…
Everything —living and nonliving, big and small, perceptible and not — passes through countless series of stages; each juncture is extremely momentous in its own part, so skipping is impossible. Life does not favor anything for it to endow them the privilege of jumping the track.…