
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Essay

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The Picture Of Dorian Gray Essay
Thesis A As a person develops, they ultimately choose who they want to become. In the book The
Picture of Dorian Gray, the protagonist Dorian develops into having a life goal to be beautiful forever and was willing to do anything for it. His characteristic was immoral and selfish. If one develops into this characteristic, others might see you as superficial, and a bad person. On the other side in the book Batman and Philosophy philosopher undertake an approach of explaining his complex actions and ethics. Batman is a good superhero because he has ethic morals, and his life goal is to help others. Dorian Gray’s approach to life is to worship himself, and Batman’s approach to life is to service others. Batman’s life approach is preferable by
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For example, when the Joker kills the second Robin, Batman does not seek revenge against the Joker. The Joker is said to be insane, but in the same way compared to Batman’s sanity. His sanity comes into question when he questions the rationality of his actions. Batman’s cause also is a struggle between societies and his interpretations of justice. Batman has been one of the society’s favorite superhero for many years. This is due to his approach to living and the way he maintained cultural resonance. Worship of self, versus worship of others, is what can define one’s identity. Dorian Gray does commit immoral actions, but worshipping himself is what made him happy. He wanted to be liked and keep an appearance for everyone to see. If one chooses an identity like Dorian’s, one can become lonely and depressed. Like, many people do in our current society. They will look like the perfect person in a picture of Instagram, but in reality their soul is shallow. Being like Dorian cannot be very popular in this society. In the other hand, Batman wanted to worship others. He is exceedingly popular still today for the hero he is. This society and culture are more willingly accept a person that is not selfish, but willing to help those in

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