We will never forget the caring manner in which Mr. Pignati talked about his beloved wife Conchetta. She was the woman of his dreams, she meant the world to him and he never fully recovered from her death. He loved her so much he could not part with any of her possessions. The pigs that symbolized their love and brought him such warm memories of her were his most valued possessions. But for all his seriousness, Mr Pignati loved having a good time, and he showed us that life should be fun. It was his idea to buy the roller-skates at Beekman’s Department Store, and when i put my skates on he joined right in. He enjoyed the simple things in life as long as he had other people to share them with. John and I stepped into his life after his wife Conchetta died, and we enjoyed the same exotic foods that he had shared with her. It was fun that we had never had in our homes.
Mr. Pignati’s death was sudden, and we feel badly about the way he died., but we could not let this day go by without sharing some of our warmest memories of him. His love for his former wife was apparent in everything he said or did, and how he went out of his way to make his life fun for us. Trips to the Zoo, Lazy afternoons at the house, chasing one another up the stairs. Those were the wonderful days. So thank you, friends, for coming to Mr. Angelo Pignati’s funeral and paying your respects. He was a great man, and you have honored his life with your presence.