An example of how the Puritans adulated their God, can be found in “Of Plymouth Plantation” (pg 5). William Bradford wrote this, knowing that it would become a historical document. For this reason, he didn’t incorporate any of his own feelings and the journal was written in third person point of view. “Being thus arrived in
a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof,”. This is an example of how the Pilgrims praised their God because of how great and perfect that he is. They credited him with their safe arrival to the harbor and praised him for what he had done for them thus far.
These ideals and values are important because without them, the Pilgrims would have been a completely different group of God-fearing people. As they believed, they wouldn’t have survived/ made it through without exalting God was perfect and mighty, and they wouldn’t have survived without their courage and industry.