Upon reading her husband 's letter, Lady Macbeth 's reaction is notable. She is adamant to make Macbeth king. Within the letter, Macbeth described Lady Macbeth as "My dearest partner of greatness", which is an endearment to make the audience acknowledge that Lady Macbeth thinks highly of Macbeth. In the context of those days, such an endearment would have been significant, because women lacked rights. This shows how highly Macbeth thinks of his partner.
Then, she states "Hail, king that shalt be!". "Shalt" is a word that makes clear that Macbeth will be made King.
However, she is not without her doubts over to King-to-be. In fact, Lady Macbeth questions the manhood of Macbeth, claiming his nature is full "o ' the milk of human kindness". This implies that she sees Macbeth still to be too weak to become King by the quickest route. Although we know Macbeth is not a man who is afraid, what matters is that he is being inferred as too feeble to be crowned King.
Towards the end of her opening soliloquy, she then says “chastise with the valour of my tongue, All that impedes thee from the golden round, Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem, To have crown’d withal. That could show Lady Macbeth has a strong belief into the ideal of the supernatural.
The news that Duncan would be coming on that night alerts her to acknowledging that murdering Duncan is the only way of quickly achieving her goal. Lady Macbeth seems