During the Vietnam war, hundreds of thousands of American troops were subject to very traumatic experience. Friends dying in front of them, near death experiences, witnessing very gruesome deaths of Viet Cong soldiers, just to name a few. This effected the day to day lives of many soldiers, as most now have a condition called PTSD. PTSD negatively affects the human psyche. This caused most soldiers to turn to self medication which often lead to alcoholism and abuse of heroin in many soldiers. This is an example of how the Vietnam war changed the way of life for many of the American soldiers who served in Vietnam. To make thing worse, many official military documents omitted the actual intent of …show more content…
Americans were wrongfully charged with crimes against the United States just by showing the slightest bit of communist rhetoric. Citizens , such as the Rosenberg's, were not allowed to invoke their fifth amendment rights because it was seen as if you were admitting to being a member of the communist party. This is a clear violation of American policy. Not only did McCarthyism cause the wrongful imprisonment of many American citizens, but it also led to a change in the way of life for many American citizens regardless of if they were charged with crimes against the United States. I say this because a lot of propaganda was created to fuel the "Red Scare." Because of the Red Scare people lived in fear that communist insurgents infiltrated the American senate. In addition to that, United States citizens also feared being found guilty of having communist ties and serving harsh