"Laughter is the best medicine." This saying has been transmitted generation after generation.
They say, every human being is entitled since birth to have a right and a privilege to laugh explosively, show mirth, joy, or even scorn with a smile and chuckle. It has been a natural part of life that is innate and inborn. Even the infants maximize their birthright of smiling and enormously laughing at the early stage of their lives.
Studies and researches show that laughter is a very effective reliever to stress, conflict, and pain. The ability to laugh easily and frequently is such a great and extreme way for developing your social relationships and interactions with the people around you. It is also a tremendous source of strength in facing and surmounting problems. And best of all, it is an effective way of supporting both physical and emotional health stability.
Laughter is a powerful antidote to stay physically healthy. It reduces pain by stimulating the release of endorphins (the body's natural painkillers). Studies also proven that laughing frequently prevent heart disease because it stimulates the cardiovascular system thereby increasing oxygenation of the blood which further promotes healthy and happy living. Laughter also lowers stress hormones and reduces muscle tension.
Researchers are finding that of the many health benefits of laughter, perhaps its most beneficial by-product is the social support it stimulates. When God created us He made us social beings (See Genesis 2:18). To facilitate relationship building God also gave us the gift of laughter.
Laughter is such an intricate and explosive subject that in discussing it some degree of oversimplification is inevitable. The muddle of various approaches, the innumerable categories, and the rancorous critical in-fighting connected with this topic make it necessary to be as discriminating and, at the same time, as eclectic as is sensibly possible.
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