Manang Merin AND TURUMPO
Marcelo Navarra
In an effort to be efficient, well prepared was Arsenio. And he would have cast turumpo, call prevented him. "Hey, Dong." Particular force on the left and his right hand still holding turumpo when he looked up.
I also Napatingala.
"What is your errand?" Question by Arsenio.
"It Merin's house?" Human questions.
Arsenio stood and turned to me.
"Yes," I replied. "I'm his younger brother."
"Aah. He turned you brother, "said the man. "Where is he now, Dong?"
"There indoors - ironed. What's your mission to him? "
"Thank you, but I just tell him. Are there other people in the house? "
"No, he alone."
"The father and mother, and the other brother, where are they?"
"Why, there's practically Did you ask them?"
"Aw, do not turn."
"Aw, good for you 'cause they do not have it. They go all over the field.Merin Manang we just left. "
"When they were leaving?"
"Early they leave."
The man smiled.
"Dong, please be there looking at him."
"Wait a minute, Bay With sweetness, huh?"
I ran home, head to the dining room where there Manang Merin. Manang would go Merin kitchen, escaped the scaffold, perhaps to change the charcoal iron.
"Manang Merin there looking at you."
"I, I do not know."
"Access to and papanhikin you."
And when I returned in the stairs, I told the man that he could come up. We intersect in the middle of the stairs - I papanaog, and she was uphill to meet with Manang Merin. Yet he was grateful, but he persisted that he just tell his errand.
"Lower your turumpo, Bay tick," says Arsenio.
I threw my turumpo where she was earlier. In an effort to make the best, well prepared and was Arsenio full strength he threw her turumpo. Rather than hit me or fallen at least near me, spin it back towards the cumulative dry coconut leaves before stop. I immediately took me and kinidkiran string.
"Below the turumpo you, Bay With sweetness, and I bibiyakin!"
"The egoism