Christos. Prince Christos was coming to fairy tale land in one day to marry the smartest, most beautiful princess in the whole Kingdom.
The first princess's name was Aleena. Princess Aleena had the most beautiful long blond hair and had magical shoes.
The second princess was Jennine. Princess Jennine was a beautiful brown haired princess from egypt and rode to fairy tale land on her beautiful pink pony.
The third princess's name was Marineli. Princess Marineli was a beautiful red haired mermaid princess from the sea with a magic wand.
And the forth was princess Holly. Princess Holly …show more content…
The contest was a contest of who could get across lake Imagine the fastest.
Princess Aleena was the first princess to swim as quickly as possible across the lake. She decided that if she did the doggy padel then she could make it all
the way but wasn't sure if she would be the fastest even though she was wearing her magic shoes. But she did it and made it all the way but it took her
The prince said "Good job! You made it all the way and 5 hours is pretty fast. I don't think anyone can beat that!"
Now it was time for princess Jennine to cross the lake as fast as possible.
Princess Jennine decided that if she does the back stroke than she can make it all the way and maybe even make the best time. She tapped her magical shoes
together 3 times and jumped in the water! she did the backstroke and made across the lake in four hours.
The prince said "Great job! You made it all the way and 4 hours is very fast. I don't think anyone can beat that!"
Now it was time for princess Marineli to cross the lake as fast as possible. Marineli was an expert swimmer and laughed at the other princesses while …show more content…
She swam all the way across the lake in just one hour.
The prince said "Terrific job! You made it all the way and one hour is extremely fast. I don't think anyone can possibly beat that!"
The final contestant was princess Holly. Princess Holly sis not know how to swim at all and was extremely upset. She thought that if she tried to swim across
that she might drown under water. All the other princesses began to laugh at her and call her a chicken and a scaredy cat. The prince did not look very happy
about the name calling and walked over to Princess Holly and said "A true Magical princess can beat that time even if she cannot swim. Think hard about how
you can cross the lake faster than anyone that was swimming". Right then Princess Holly had an idea! Not just an idea but the greatest idea ever!
Princess Holly walked over to princess Aleena and asked "May I borrow your magic shoes please?" Princess Aleena was confused but gave them to Princess Holly.
Then Princess Holly walked up to princess Marineli and asked "May I borrow your magic wand please?". Princess Marineli looked confused as to why she